Saturday, June 8, 2019

Ekphrasis 2

Juno and Jupiter were just about to lay together. He looked at her longingly as she leaned on the bed over him. They were both in a state of half undress, their robes pulled down by gravity. She had a breast band tied just under her bust that she looked to be just about to take off. The blue of Juno’s dress emphasized the paleness of her complexion and the rosiness of her cheeks. In contrast, Jupiter was as tanned as his golden robe that had fallen down to his waist. He looked older than Juno by far; he had a bushy salt and pepper beard paired with rather long wavy hair. Juno looked like she couldn’t be past the age of 25. Jupiter was pulling on her leg, revealing it from under her dress and showing off the slender ankles that Homer used to wax about. In the shadows of both the gods stood their animal counterparts. Nestled under the leg of Jupiter was his eagle and behind Juno hid her peacock. Behind Jupiter, seemingly unknown to either gods, waited a putto figure. Maybe it was Cupid. He was stringing his bow, probably in preparation to shoot the couple, and his quiver full of arrows rested on the bed next to him. One other putto could be seen through the window emerging from the clouds a ways away. He too had a bow in hand, though it seemed he was lacking his arrows. Perhaps this was the infamous scene of Juno seducing Jupiter during the battle at Troy, where she was attempting to give the Achaeans the upper hand in battle, if even for just a moment.
(Giove e Giunone by Antonie Carracci 6/6/19)

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